(NaturalNews) A 12-year-old girl living on the Isle of Wright in southern Britain developed a severe vitamin D deficiency verging on rickets because her mother never let her go outside without sunscreen on.
Rickets is a painful and potentially deformity-causing bone softening disease caused by vitamin D deficiency. The body produces vitamin D upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, but too much time indoors or sunscreen higher than SPF 8 can prevent it from producing enough.
Twelve-year-old Tyler Attrill first began suffering pain and weakness in her legs three years ago, after a series of operations to correct an unrelated problem with her hip bones. She did not realize at the time that she was suffering the warning signs of developing rickets.
"It would make [my] legs feel all heavy, [I] couldn't move them," she said. "It made my whole body feel really ill and achy."
Eventually, the ongoing pain reduced her to tears and she was referred to the Children's Orthopedic Unit at Southampton General Hospital.
"We've been back and forwards to doctors and the hospital over the years, but it wasn't until November that they did a test for vitamin deficiency," her mother said. "We're lucky it was caught in time otherwise it could have developed into rickets."
It was then that Tyler's doctor told her mother that overuse of sunscreen had probably caused Tyler's vitamin deficiency.
"We live right by the beach so Tyler was outside with her friends every day last summer," Tyler's mother said. "I've always been very careful with her and her brother, and nagged them to wear hats and suncreen when it's hot. I thought I was doing the right thing."
Rickets is on the rise across England, even in sunny regions like the Isle of Wright. Concern over this trend recently caused British doctors to reverse course on decades of advice to avoid the sun; they now recommend 15 to 30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure three to five days a week.
Tyler has improved with vitamin D supplements and more time spent outdoors.
"It makes me feel guilty," her mother said of the experience, "but parents are encouraged to use [SPF] 50 on their children to prevent skin cancer later in life.
"I thought I was doing the right thing."
To learn more about the importance of vitamin D, read the free NaturalNews.com report "The Healing Power of Sunlight & Vitamin D" athttp://www.naturalnews.com/rr-sunli....
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/031682_rickets_sunscreen.html#ixzz1HRzryOS7
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Cocaine Addiction Vaccine ???
HOUSTON — Two Baylor College of Medicine researchers in Houston are working on a cocaine vaccine they hope will become the first-ever medication to treat people hooked on the drug.
"For people who have a desire to stop using, the vaccine
should be very useful," said Dr. Tom Kosten, a psychiatry professor who is being assisted in the research by his wife, Therese, a psychologist and neuroscientist. "At some point, most users will give in to temptation and relapse, but those for whom the vaccine is effective won't get high and will lose interest."
The vaccine, currently in clinical trials, stimulates the immune system to attack the real thing when it's taken.
The immune system — unable to recognize cocaine and other drug molecules because they are so small — can't make antibodies to attack them.
To help the immune system distinguish the drug, Kosten attached inactivated cocaine to the outside of inactivated cholera proteins.
Trial planned for spring
In response, the immune system not only makes antibodies to the combination, which is harmless, but also recognizes the potent naked drug when it's ingested. The antibodies bind to the cocaine and prevent it from reaching the brain, where it normally would generate the highs that are so addictive.
In response, the immune system not only makes antibodies to the combination, which is harmless, but also recognizes the potent naked drug when it's ingested. The antibodies bind to the cocaine and prevent it from reaching the brain, where it normally would generate the highs that are so addictive.
"It's a very clever idea," says David Eagleman, a Baylor neuroscientist. "Scientists have spent the last few decades figuring out reward pathways in the brain and how drugs like cocaine hijack the system. It turns out those pathways are difficult to rewire once they've seen the drug. But the vaccine just circumvents all that."
Kosten asked the Food and Drug Administration in December to green-light a multi-institutional trial to begin in the spring and is awaiting a response.
Approval would mark a breakthrough in the treatment of cocaine addiction, which now mostly involves psychiatric counseling and 12-step programs. It presumably would be the final clinical hurdle before the vaccine — more than a decade in the making — might be approved for treatment. But one expert warns against expecting too much.
"Addiction vaccines are a promising advance, but it's unlikely any treatment in this field will work for everyone," said Dr. David Gorelick, a senior investigator at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. "Still, if they prove successful, they will give those working in drug addiction an important option."
Outbreaks Proof That Whooping Cough Vaccines Don’t Work
Sherri Tenpenny, DO
This past summer, newspapers throughout North America announced an epidemic of whooping cough, caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, in California that health officials predicted would spread throughout the country. From January, 2010 through the end of November, California’s state epidemiologist reported 2,625 pertussis cases including ten infant deaths while the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 18,586 cases nationwide. [1] The reports have speculated that the outbreaks have been caused by the large number of unvaccinated children throughout the state. What these reports fail to mention is that most of the children who contracted pertions and treatment, conclude the authors.” [5]
More recently, The Star-Ledger reported on February 11, 2009 of a pertussis outbreak in 21 fully vaccinated children in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. [6] Even in Canada, a laboratory-confirmed pertussis outbreak occurred among preschool children in Toronto where greater than 90 percent of the kids were up-to-date with pertussis immunization. [7]
The Watchdog Institute, an investigative journalism center based in San Diego, recently teamed up with local San Diego television station, KPBS, to research the actual number of families affected by the whooping cough outbreak to determine how many children had been fully vaccinated against pertussis. The four-month investigation culminated in the airing of a documentary on December 16, 2010. Their research was revealing: In the nine California counties most affected, 44 to 83 percent of those contracting the infection had been fully vaccinated. In Ohio and Texas, two states also having record numbers of whooping cough cases, 75 and 67.5 percent respectively had been vaccinated. [8]
Dr. Fritz Mooi, a respected Dutch scientist who has been studying pertussis bacteria mutations for 15 years, claims a more virulent strain is the cause of recent outbreaks. Mooi says the international Global Pertussis Initiative has ignored his theories about a new, more toxic strain of the disease. “They just don’t want to listen,” he said. “They have kept it out of their articles, and it’s a kind of censorship.” Much money has been invested in the current vaccine, Mooi said, and if he is right about a new strain, a different vaccine would need to be developed. [9]
Conflicts of interest
The Watchdog Institute and KPBS further found that the two leading global makers of pertussis vaccines, Sanofi Pasteur and GlaxoSmith Kline, have funded expert groups that recommend vaccine policy on the disease to government agencies. Sanofi Pasteur funds the most influential group, the Global Pertussis Initiative, which is made up of 35 medical experts from 16 countries. The Watchdog Institute and KPBS found that 24 of the group’s members have received funding from Sanofi Pasteur, its parent company Sanofi-Aventis, and/or GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). [10]
The CDC cites the Global Pertussis Initiative in its publications and the World Health Organization had four members of the Initiative on their pertussis vaccine advisory committee. This conflict of interest translates to countries spending millions on pertussis vaccines that have a long history of not being protective, with the manufacturers unwilling to spend any of their revenue on research into emerging strains of pertussis. Globally, vaccines were a $22 billion industry last year and according to one forecast, sales are expected to top $34 billion by 2012. In just the state of California, health departments spent $207 million on pertussis vaccines since 2007 with a whopping $59.6 million spent in 2010. [11]
Vaccinated as Silent Carriers
Vaccine-induced immunity to pertussis is measured by a blood test, called a titer test, which measures the presence of specific antibodies thought to be protective. It is recognized that these antibodies wane over time. The incidence of B. pertussis infection in adolescents and adults appears to be approximately one percent per year. Infection is most likely to be pertussis among those with a cough that has lasted more than 21 days. Officials believe infections in adolescents caused by “waning immunity” to be a source of transmission in the community, particularly for young infants.
As a result, new vaccines such as Boostrix, for children 11 to 18 years of age, and Adacel, for adults 19 to 64 years of age, have been developed and licensed for use in the U.S. [12] Public health officials hope that by vaccinating teens and adults there will be fewer cases of pertussis overall. The rush to revaccinate the entire population and all age groups against pertussis has had little effect on lowering the incidence of whooping cough overall.
Pertussis-containing vaccines seem to have little effect on the overall incidence of the infection. Instead of focusing on the fear of whooping cough, it is obvious we need to focus on strengthening the immune system naturally and simple public health measure that work. Health aids such as hand washing, getting eight hours of sleep per night, taking vitamin C and maintaining a high blood level of Vitamin D are foundational in the prevention of all infectious diseases, including pertussis. Clearly, public health officials need to embrace these non-toxic, non-invasive methods over injections that don’t work and can cause serious harm.
1, MMWR. Pertussis Weekly Update. Week 48
2, “New California Law Mandates Whooping Cough Booster Shot for Teens,” Jan 3, 2011.
3, National Vaccine Information Center documentation.
4, Whooping Cough in California Worries Officials. ABC Healthnews. June 24, 2010.
5, Ibid
6, “Whooping Cough returns to Hunterdon County” by Mike Frasinelli, The Star-Ledger, February 11, 2009 .
7, Waters, Valerie et al. “Outbreak of Atypical Pertussis Detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction in Immunized Preschool-Aged Children.” Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 28(7):582-587, July 2009.
8, “Many whooping cough victims have been immunized; Experts spar over prospects of new disease strain,” by Kevin Crowe. Published December 13, 2010
9. “Blurred lines of Influence,” by Kevin Crowe and Roxanna Popescu. Published December 14, 2010.
10. Ibid. “Blurred lines of influence.”
11. Ibid. “Blurred lines of influence.”
12. National Network for Immunization Information. “Adolescent and Adult Pertussis Vaccines.” December, 2006.
Vaccine Tracking System?
CDC will link public health EHRs with immunization tracking system
By Mary MosqueraMonday, February 28, 2011The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plans to enable the electronic health records (EHRs) of state and local health departments to share data with immunization information systems, and to integrate the immunization systems with CDC’s vaccine tracking system.
Immunization information systems, or registries, receive and share patient data with other systems, such as EHRs. They also can generate reminders and assess vaccination coverage within a defined geographic area. By consolidating immunization history into a single source, it’s easier for providers and parents to assure that children get the vaccines they need and reduce the time required to track immunization records.
All state health departments have some type of immunization information system, but they have a variety of functionality. CDC wants to assure interoperability between these systems and EHRs.
CDC plans to award a contract to provide technical assistance to enable this functionality, including project management, operations and assessment to support CDC grantees’ immunization information systems and to interface with CDC tools, including its vaccine tracking systems, according to a Feb. 24 announcement in Federal Business Opportunities
The Vaccine Tracking System (VTrckS) integrates the publicly-funded vaccine supply chain from purchasing and ordering to distribution of the vaccine. It allows healthcare providers to order vaccines directly. The system evaluates vaccine orders against specific guidelines set by state, local and territorial health department grantees and CDC.
VTrckS went operational in December 2010 with four public health pilots in Michigan, Colorado, Washington State, and Chicago, CDC said.
The agency expects to award the 12-month contract March 31, according to the announcement.
How that Pink ribbon , you thought was helping save boobs, is killing babies..
By Kelleigh Nelson
February 23, 2011
February 23, 2011
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, now Susan G. Komen for the Cure, was launched by Nancy Goodman Brinker in response to a promise she made her dying sister, Susan Goodman Komen, to do everything she could to eradicate breast cancer. Her sister died in 1980 at the age of 36.
Every October (breast cancer awareness month) becomes the push for donations to Susan G. Komen. Last October I wanted to buy some China on sale at a local department store and unless I gave $1.00 to Komen for every discount coupon (I needed five), I couldn’t get the sale price. It reminded me of the corporate offices I’d worked for that had pushed for 100% participation in United Way donations. The upper management would actually harass you to give and wanted deductions from your paychecks! I would give one penny, that way they could say they got 100% donations, but it still irritated me. We all have a right to choose to refuse!
The reason I won’t give to Susan G. Komen is simple. For years pro-lifers like me have opposed contributing to SGK because it not only denies that induced abortions may cause breast cancer, it also bestows financial grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates allegedly for breast cancer screening. Planned Parenthood claims their community grants are restricted and closely monitored to provide vital breast health education, screening and treatment services for underserved women. But for every dollar Komen donates to Planned Parenthood, another dollar from another source is freed up to promote and perform abortion. Since the Susan G. Komen Foundation began giving grants to Planned Parenthood, purportedly for breast health services, the number of women receiving breast health services from Planned Parenthood has decreased. According to Planned Parenthood’s 2003-2004 Annual Report, abortions increased by 14,000 in 2002-2003, which breast exams decreased by more than 141,000. We have now reached the ungodly number of over 53 million aborted babies. How can we expect God to bless our nation when we kill the innocents in the womb and the elderly in their sick beds?
Between 2004 and 2009, SGK affiliates gave $3.3 million to Planned Parenthood. In Fiscal Year 2009 alone, Planned Parenthood got $731,303 from SGK. It really doesn’t matter the amount inasmuch as anyone that believes in choosing life as God’s Word states, (Deut.30:19) and are trying to save people with a disease like breast cancer, don’t want any part of their monies going to an organization that funds abortion providers.
SGK seems to speak out of both sides of their mouths. Their website states that childbearing protects women from breast cancer, and the more children a mother bears and the younger she begins bearing them the better. They also acknowledge breast feeding protects against breast cancer. Abortion however, blocks all those preventative measures. It has even been found that breast cancer survivors lower their risk of dying by 42% simply by getting pregnant, but again, abortion blocks that protection. SGK acknowledges never having children increases a women’s risk of getting breast cancer, and delaying childbearing, particularly after 35, also increases the risk. Abortion increases the risk of both those risks.
Eric Winer, the chief scientific advisor for Susan G. Komen for the Cure believes the Planned Parenthood criticisms are unfounded. He states a relationship with two Catholic ethicists, Ron Hamel and Michael Panicola, both Ph.D.’s. Winer claims these men examined the moral implications of SGK’s funding and concluded it was permissible for the church to be involved with Komen in light of its funding of Planned Parenthood. But get this, the Hamel/Panicola opinion, published on the now infamous, pro-Obamacare Catholic Health Association’s website, is really a piece of work. It reads like the letters you receive from your congress critters that answer none of your questions and talk totally around the issue and then thank you for your interest.
SGK will argue there is no concrete evidence that abortion contributes to breast cancer and now statistics even show that early use of hormone contraception also contributes to breast cancer just as hormone replacement therapy has been found to do. Eric Winer has also dismissed the proven link between abortion and breast cancer even though there are many studies and clinical professionals who agree, including Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., who writes in a Breast Cancer Prevention Institute brochure, “The later in pregnancy an abortion is done, the higher the risk of breast cancer as the more Type 1 and 2 lobules will have formed. Induced abortion leaves a woman with more places for breast cancer to start.
Karen Malec, spokesperson for the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer says Komen does not tell women the truth that abortion increases breast cancer risk in three ways:
1. By delaying a first full term pregnancy (a risk recognized by all experts) the woman loses her chance to mature 85% of her cancer-susceptible breast lobules into full cancer resistant lobules at a younger age. Full maturity takes place throughout the last months of pregnancy.
2. Almost all of the childless women’s breast lobules are cancer–susceptible Type 1 and 2 lobules. Up to 95% of all breast cancers arise in these lobules. The breasts grow during pregnancy because of an increase of estrogen which is a cancer causing agent, thereby causing the lobules to multiply. The woman who aborts before lobule maturation is completed is left with more places in her breasts for cancers to start.
3. The Institute of Medicine lists abortion as a risk factor for premature birth…and premature birth before 32 weeks gestation increases the mother’s breast cancer risk. Through the abortion-premature birth link, the woman is left with more places in her breasts for cancers to start.
Even Komen states on its own website that a large analysis that combined results of many studies found that while women were taking birth-control pills (and shortly thereafter), they had a 10 to 30 percent higher risk of breast cancer than women who had never taken birth control pills.
As for the emergency contraceptive pill, which contains 10-15 times the amount of artificial hormones as a single birth-control pill, its labeling states it is contraindicated if one has a current or past history of breast cancer. In fact it appears hormonal contraceptives are more seriously implicated in breast cancer than previously known.
A 2009 study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention showed that the risk for women under 40 of contracting a newly identified and virulent form of the disease called triple-negative breast cancer rose by 320% if using hormonal contraceptives for a year or more.”
This same study co-authored in part by two of the very National Cancer Institute researchers who in 2003 denied a link between abortion and breast cancer, also acknowledged a 40% increased risk of contracting breast cancer under the age of 40 if a woman had had an abortion.
Karen Malek says, “Komen perpetuates the breast cancer epidemic by giving funds to Planned Parenthood. As a seller of hormonal contraceptives and abortions, Planned Parenthood is the primary cause of the breast cancer epidemic.”
Although the funds are supposedly intended for breast cancer screenings, Komen has no way of ensuring that the funds are used exclusively for that purpose instead of its cancer-causing activities.
Several of the Catholic dioceses have withdrawn their support for Komen for these reasons as well as Komen’s endorsement of experiments on embryonic humans.
Other SGK Connections to Planned Parenthood
A pro-lifer in Washington State discovered on Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s (PPGNW) IRS 990 forms that it has held a 12.5% share in Metro Centre, a mall in Peoria, Illinois since 2006. PPGNW is Washington’s largest abortion provider and is currently under investigation for Medicaid fraud. Metro Centre is owned by Eric Brinker who is the son of Nancy Goodman Brinker, the founder of SGK. Eric also sits on SGK’s board. Brinker claimed the 12.5% Planned Parenthood inherited from one of the original stockholders, but they’ve never sold their shares.
Brinker also states that only “20 of Komen’s 122 U.S. affiliates fund breast health services through local Planned Parenthood clinics.” But what is interesting is two of those 20, Komen Puget Sound and Komen Boise, fund Brinker’s business partner, PPGNW.
Komen Board Members and Staff
Nancy Brinker, founder of SGK Foundation, has served on the advisory board of Planned Parenthood of Dallas. In 2003, Planned Parenthood received a record $475,000 from Susan G. Komen affiliates all across the nation and Planned Parenthood of Dallas built a new facility costing $5 million dollars. Nancy Brinker received the Gertrude Shelburne Humanitarian Award from Planned Parenthood of North Texas in 1996. Gertrude Shelburne established Planned Parenthood in Dallas in 1982, and was a friend of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Eve Sanchez-Silver, former SGK Foundation National Hispanic/Latina Advisory Council member, resigned after discovering the connection between the Komen Foundation and Planned Parenthood.
Lisa Custard, current member of the Susan G. Komen Foundation National Board of Directors, is pictured and listed in the Planned Parenthood of North Texas newsletter as a donor.
Monica Leonard of the Sacramento Valley Susan G. Komen Affiliate had a prior job at Planned Parenthood Golden Gate and Komen lists this on their Sacramento Affiliate website.
Philadelphia Komen Affiliate Board Member John Briggs has also served on the advisory board for Planned Parenthood.
The form 990 for Susan G. Komen for the cure is at this website. How many miles do those thousands of volunteers need to "walk for the cure" just to meet the payroll of the Executive Board? If you add up the 2009 annual compensation (salary & benefits) listed on page 59 for 17 employees, the grand total is $3,859,117.00. You do the math.
In Support of Each Other
Planned Parenthood of North Texas gave an award to the co-chair of the Ft. Worth Race for the Cure.
Planned Parenthood of North Texas thanked the Susan G. Komen Foundation Collin and Tarrant County Affiliates in their newsletter for granting Planned Parenthood of North Texas $46,430 in 2004.
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan formed a team for the Susan G. Komen Detroit Race for Cure.
Susan G. Komen Colorado Springs Affiliate hosted a health fair where they included “health partners” Planned Parenthood.
Susan G. Komen lists the local Planned Parenthood Health Centers as a resource on most of their affiliate websites and vice versa.
Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood are both involved in the Texas Medical Center Women’s Health Network.
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan participated in the Susan G. Komen Lee National Denim Day in 2001.
Planned Parenthood of Lubbock is listed as a sponsor of the Lubbock Race for the Cure in 1998 and 1999.
Eugenics or Cure?
Planned Parenthood over the years has stated in their literature such things as the elimination of child care, medical attention, scholarships, housing, loans, and subsidies to poor families. It has openly stated maternity benefits should be drastically reduced or even eliminated, substantial across-the-board marriage and child taxes being imposed, and large families not being given preferential charitable relief. Saying Planned Parenthood is an advocate for the poor is an outright lie. For Susan G. Komen to lead people to believe poor women are getting breast exams at Planned Parenthood and not being propagandized by their programs is ludicrous. Planned Parenthood is instead a great oppressor and exploiter of the poor. Its image-conscious rhetoric of compassion is Orwellian doublespeak. It is not involved primarily in “family planning,” but is instead involved in “family banning.”
Finally and most importantly, Planned Parenthood is by no means privately funded. The truth is, a vast proportion of Planned Parenthood’s funding at every level, from the local level to the international level, comes right out of the American taxpayer’s pockets. It has become for all intents and purposes an unofficial, and thus unrestrained and unrestricted branch of the federal government and part of the population control plan. See this link here.
There was a recent expose of a Planned Parenthood affiliate aiding a pimp’s underage sex ring. The organization that put this on YouTube is a group of young pro-lifers called LiveAction. Their website, and the video.
Live Action has audio from phone calls to Planned Parenthood in various states that agree to take donations that specifically target donating to fund aborting black babies. The caller says there are too many blacks and he wants to reduce the minority population. Planned Parenthood agrees that he just needs to specify that on his donation and they will honor his request.
Dr. Alveda King, pro-life advocate and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, has kind words for Live Action group and takes issue with Susan G. Komen’s statements that there’s no conclusive proof abortion causes breast cancer. She states, “Giving Planned Parenthood money is part of an insidious cycle. Breast cancer is linked to abortions, Planned Parenthood gives abortions and then they turn around and give you mammograms, ‘We are going to give you breast cancer then we are going to turn around and let you know that you have it, and then we are going to get with this great organization and raise money to treat it,’” she said.
I hope this article reaches enough pro-lifers that they’ll understand funding Susan G. Komen is working against God’s command to CHOOSE LIFE! And yes, there are other groups collecting funds for breast cancer research that have no connections to pro-abort groups.
Finally, let me end from some words sent to me by a dear friend who lives because her mother’s abortion failed. She is one of the finest Christian women I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
She wrote the following words to me:
She wrote the following words to me:
“Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.” Ps. 37:1-2
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Live herpes virus found inside mouths of people vaccinated and are now possibly spreaders of the virus...
NEW ORLEANS – Varicella zoster virus DNA was detected in subjects’ saliva for a month after immunization with the Zostavax herpes zoster vaccine in a prospective study.
Genotypic analysis demonstrated that the varicella zoster virus that was present in saliva was indeed the Zostavax live attenuated vaccine virus, Dr. Catherine M. DiGiorgio said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.
The next step is to determine whether this virus that is being shed in saliva and at inoculation sites after immunization is infectious. If so, it’s possible that herpes zoster infection might be transmitted through recently immunized individuals.
Although that would be highly unwelcome news, there is a potential upside to the finding that varicella zoster virus (VZV) can be detected in saliva: "It possibly could have use in clinical practice, allowing detection of shingles prior to development of the rash, enabling earlier start of antiviral therapy, and decreasing the duration of shingles and the pain of post-herpetic neuralgia," said Dr. DiGiorgio of the center for clinical studies at the University of Texas, Houston.
She reported on 19 men and 17 women, all healthy and older than age 60 years, who received the Zostavax vaccine. Skin and saliva samples were obtained for the next 4 weeks. None of the subjects shed VZV in their saliva prior to immunization.
Half the subjects had VZV DNA present in swabs obtained from skin inoculation sites at 10 minutes after immunization. In all, 21 subjects (58%) had VZV DNA in their saliva shortly after vaccination. At 2 weeks, 11 subjects still had viral shedding in saliva, as did 10 at day 20 and 2 subjects at day 28.
Transmission of the Oka/Merck strain of VZV has been documented after chicken pox vaccination, but thus far not following immunization with the company’s Zostavax vaccine. The Zostavax package insert warns newly vaccinated individuals to avoid contact with infants, immunosuppressed individuals, and pregnant women who haven’t had chickenpox or been vaccinated against it, but the insert doesn’t specify why or provide a duration, Dr. DiGiorgio noted.
Roughly 1 million cases of herpes zoster occur annually in the United States, half in adults aged 50 years or older. Dr. DiGiorgio and her coworkers have recently shown that a positive family history increases the risk of developing shingles, and that patients with post-herpetic neuralgia can shed VZV in their saliva for years.
Dr. DiGiorgio declared that she serves as a subinvestigator in studies sponsored by Inhibitex and NeurogesX.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Eric. before and after VACCINES
one day my dream is to never see any human being be injured by a vaccine again!
one more VICTIM.
my heart is so heavy for this woman, her children and her family...people please please please!!! educate before you vaccinate, know your family history! know ALL the side effects!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
For Moms and dads who DO VACCINATE or Will vaccinate... From the makers of the Vaccine... They say it CAN cause SIDS
The day you find out you are going to be a parent, can be the most awesome day of your life! you have so many things running through your head, the whole future is in your hands,brain and heart(and growing tummy..lol). Most parents never think that after the 9 months they carry there precious angel inside them, that it could all end while your baby is sleeping...due to a vaccine. SIDS. SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME, 3 of the scariest words you will ever hear. Some medical professionals claim they don't know what causes it, others say its because babies suffocate in there sleep.. but they ALL KNOW what can really cause it, the SAFE vaccines that are being pumped into your precious miracle, to "protect" them. People say, oh my babies and kids are vaccinated and are fine.. are you sure? are you sure they aren't immune system compromised? are you sure they wont get a rare childhood cancer later on,are they chronically ill, do they have add or a hard time in school, the list goes on..but you think your child is"fine" are you sure they wont get what they were vaccinated for? because vaccines are not 100% effective... but back to the reason I'm writing this.. SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME. YOUR BABY. are you willing to take that chance? for what, to make sure your baby doesn't get hep b? I hope your infant isn't getting dirty tattoos and sharing needles..I also hope that your baby isn't playing with horse crap or rusty nails. If you are breastfeeding your baby is more protected than with any vaccine..there is nothing I would put into my baby knowing it says on the box that they baby could die from SIDS...nothing... horrible...I am going to post the link so you can read yourself..its under 6.2 section where it says post marketing experience....READ for yourself. and if you still decide to vax......
here is a copy of what it says:
6.2 Postmarketing Experience
In addition to reports in clinical trials, worldwide voluntary reports of adverse events received for INFANRIX since market introduction are listed below. This list includes serious events and events which have a plausible causal connection to INFANRIX. These adverse events were reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size; therefore, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to vaccination.
Infections and Infestations:
Bronchitis, cellulitis, respiratory tract infection.
Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders:
Lymphadenopathy, thrombocytopenia.
Immune System Disorders:
Anaphylactic reaction, hypersensitivity.
Nervous System Disorders:
Encephalopathy, headache, hypotonia.
Ear and Labyrinth Disorders:
Ear pain.
Cardiac Disorders:
Respiratory, Thoracic, and Mediastinal Disorders:
Apnea, cough. Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders:
Angioedema, erythema, pruritus, rash, urticaria.
General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions:
Fatigue, injection site induration, injection site reaction, SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME
VACCINATE?? has your child ever got the MMR shot? you might want to read this!! DEADLY
Here is a link and something I came across on the "MERCK" website about the MMR vaccine.
another reason ,when you say "my kid got vaccinated and they are fine" (NOTE: Symptoms may persist for a matter of months or on rare occasions for years)researching merck website tonight, focused on MMR shot...
Arthritis; arthralgia; myalgia,
Encephalitis; encephalopathy;<~which means brain disorder possibley fatal..
panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS);
febrile convulsions; afebrile convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies;
paresthesia, wild-type measle causing brain damage or death,
Respiratory System
Pneumonia; sore throat; cough; rhinitis.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; urticaria; rash; measles-like rash; pruritis.
Nerve deafness; otitis media.
Special Senses ,
Retinitis; optic neuritis; papillitis; retrobulbar neuritis; conjunctivitis.
Urogenital System
Epididymitis; orchitis.
ill take the measles please
Arthritis; arthralgia; myalgia,
Encephalitis; encephalopathy;<~which means brain disorder possibley fatal..
panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS);
febrile convulsions; afebrile convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; ocular palsies;
paresthesia, wild-type measle causing brain damage or death,
Respiratory System
Pneumonia; sore throat; cough; rhinitis.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; urticaria; rash; measles-like rash; pruritis.
Nerve deafness; otitis media.
Special Senses ,
Retinitis; optic neuritis; papillitis; retrobulbar neuritis; conjunctivitis.
Urogenital System
Epididymitis; orchitis.
ill take the measles please
how can people inject their children with this , knowing the possible side effects...??? do you even know what steven johnsons syndrome looks like?
well.. the photo above is a child with Steven Johnson's syndrome..
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